Covid19 has reshaped our reality. Spring is usually a time of festivals, travel, and a community-wide rush to return to the outdoors after a long winter cooped up inside. But, this year, we’re being called on to stay indoors, practice social distancing, and generally skip our normal spring activities.
Some of my friends and family are frightened, others are stir-crazy or bored, and others are longing for connection with no outlet for that in sight. I wanted to remind you all that your crystal allies are still here for you. Here are my top recommendations for effective support during this trying time.

Rose Quartz
Rose quartz feels like unconditional love. If you feel isolated from your loved ones during the coronavirus pandemic, try working with this soft pink beauty. It helps you to access the warmth and safety of being with your loved ones even when you cannot be in their physical presence. Rose quartz radiates kindness and compassion and can help you to feel loved and safe.
Work with rose quartz to feel loved and connected:
- When you feel lonely and isolated while in self-quarantine or working from home.
- If you cannot see your partner, family, or close friends.
- If you are experiencing a “touch deficit” and need to feel the warmth of contact.
- To remind yourself that you are not alone; we are in this together.
- To connect with gratitude for the love and support of your community, even if it is virtual right now.
Stress and anxiety are running rampant across the globe right now as humans struggle to cope with the uncertainty of global economic markets, personal safety, and the great unknowns we are facing as society shifts to adapt during this crisis.
Lepidolite is my go-to stone for dealing with stress and anxiety. It helps you to feel calm and confident and keep your objectivity. This stone is fabulous for beating back the panic monster and preventing anxiety from spiraling into fear. Turn to lepidolite to dial back out of control emotions.
Work with lepidolite to vanquish stress and anxiety:
- If you are frightened for yourself or your loved ones.
- If you are unable to access your normal anxiety coping tools like support groups or other social activities.
- If you are struggling to adjust to being in tight quarters with your family without the reprieve of work or school.
- When you find yourself obsessing on fearful thoughts about being infected or infecting others.
- When catching up with news and you feel anxiety rising in your body.

Green Calcite
COVID 19 has many of us checking in with news to stay up to date on the latest recommendations from government and health officials. It is easy to get caught up in the group-think of panic and worry as we watch the numbers of infected climb. It is critical during this time to maintain mental health by returning to an empowering perspective where we do not get stuck in the defeating scripts of powerlessness, panic, and fear.
Green calcite invites freshness into your life. It can help you to stop cycling fearful or sorrowful thoughts and open your mind to possibilities you would normally overlook. It helps you to let go of resentment. If you are planning to improve yourself during quarantine, this is an amazing ally. It helps you to access self-discipline and gives you the willingness to create positive change for yourself.
Work with green calcite to find a fresh perspective:
- To help you implement and follow a self-improvement program while home due to COVID 19.
- If you find yourself stuck in resentment about being stuck indoors or missing work.
- If you are bored and need to find inspiration to occupy yourself.
- If you decide to take up a new hobby during the Coronavirus quarantine and need help thinking in a brand new way.
- If you find yourself resenting your quarantine partners and need to avoid creating tension in your home.
Powerlessness is something many of us are facing in this time as events much larger than we can control are wreaking havoc in our lives, habits, and communities. It is a great time to sit with bloodstone to remind yourself of where you might have a positive impact, rather than getting stuck in “reactive” mode.
Bloodstone invokes feelings of vitality and centeredness. It boosts self-confidence and reveals deep wells of inner strength. This is an incredible ally to call on when you feel hopelessly out of your depth. Work with bloodstone to embody the mightiest version of yourself.
Work with bloodstone to feel strong:
- If you are a healthcare professional who is engaging the overwhelmed healthcare system.
- If you work in a grocery store or other essential service where you are exposed to the public.
- When you need to reassure your loved ones and help them find their inner-strength during this time.
- If you are caring for a sick family member or loved one.
- When you find yourself returning to narratives of powerless over and over and struggling to find how you can still affect positive change.

These are frightening and confusing times. When sheltering in place, your home can fill up with nervous, fear-filled energy. This can generate tensions between quarantine partners and reinforce a tendency towards panic.
Fluorite clears away stagnant energy and keeps things moving. It helps you to make well-evaluated decisions in the midst of difficulty. It can help release fear of the future or of the unknown. This is a great ally to call on when you are trying to sort through half-formed thoughts and feelings to truly examine a situation with objectivity.
Work with fluorite to clarify your thoughts:
- If you feel surreal or confused.
- When you need to make difficult decisions about supplies, locations, or other logistics.
- Any time you find yourself imagining nightmare scenarios.
- When you begin to feel tension in your household because of the Covid 19 quarantine.
- If worry about loved ones becomes destabilizing.
Other Gemstones to Connect with During Coronovirus
The gemstones in this article are my top picks for facing the COVID 19 pandemic in useful ways. In making my list, I focused on feeling connected, soothing anxiety, as well as finding objectivity, strength, and perseverance.
In addition, I also think black tourmaline, malachite, and dumortierite could all be useful during this time.
What crystals are you working with as you grapple with changes from the coronavirus pandemic? I would love to hear about your experience in the comments below.
Stay safe my friends. Consider looking at this as an opportunity to learn, grow, and heal yourself.